Provide funding for costs necessary to operate, maintain, and manage a public transportation system Funding under the CARES Act can be used to reimburse operating costs associated with providing fare-free service.
Local Agency
Virgin Islands Department of Public Works
Grant Start Date
April 14, 2021
Grant End Date
March 30, 2025
Funds Allocated
Funds Expended
Funds Remaining
Purpose of Grant
Provide reliable and safe operations to serve the aviation industry, the traveling public, and support the economy, keep airport and aviation workers employed and airport credit ratings stable.
Local Agency
Virgin Islands Port Authority
Grant Start Date
August 31, 2021
Grant End Date
September 30, 2024
Funds Allocated
Funds Expended
Funds Remaining
Reimbursement Grant
Purpose of Grant
Aviation Expenditures. Provides funding resources for sanitizing, janitorial services, cleaning, paying for operations, personnel, and debt service payments.