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Venue: Zoom Event Date: Oct 07, 2020 14:00 - Oct 07, 2020 15:00
Location: Virtual St. Croix St. John St. Thomas Water Island

USVI Walkability Institute Webinar Series

Join the USVI Walkability Institute for a series of webinars beginning October 7, 2020 to discuss how physical activity can be increased in the US Virgin Islands.

The USVI Walkability Institute in collaboration with the Active People, Healthy NationSM ( campaign has implemented a goal to assist 27 million Americans become more physically active.

Mark Fenton, a transportation, planning, and public health consultant will lead the webinar series on topics such as healthy designs for the built environment, safe routes to school initiatives, and community engagement activities for local businesses, government officials,  non-profit, neighborhood and faith-based organizations.

For more information on Mark Fenton:

For more information on the webinar series: