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Venue: Webinar Event Date: Jun 11, 2020 13:00 - Jun 11, 2020 15:00
Location: St. Croix St. John St. Thomas Water Island

Walkability and Health:

Building Strong, Vibrant and Resilient Communities

Part I: Tools and Techniques

The connection between walkable communities and public health was already at the center of planning discussion in many communities before the Covid-19 pandemic prompted many cities to close public streets for pedestrian use.

Join the Maryland Department of Planning and the Smart Growth Network at 1 p.m. Thursday, June 11, as two of the nation’s leading walkability experts, Dan Burden and Mark Fenton of Blue Zones, layout a significant new canvas for the health of the built environment, with wide application to communities across the nation.

Making use of their combined 70 years of experience on walkability and health issues in more than 3,000 communities, they will “walk through” a set of street design tools and techniques as the first of a multi-part series on walk audits they will present with us.