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Request for Proposal – Professional Services

Estate Fish Bay Owners’ Association

The Estate Fish Bay Owners Association (EFBOA) requests proposals for Estate Fish Bay Stormwater Management and Road Improvement Phase I, St. John, U.S.V.I. Phase I includes a Land Survey, Hydrological and Hydraulic (H&H) Study, Architectural and Engineering Design Plans, and Permitting for flood mitigation and stormwater management at 5 sites on Marina Drive and Skytop Road within the Fish Bay Watershed on St. John.

The completion of this Contract will lead to the Phase II Proposal Requests to include: Construction Management and Construction for all approved locations.

Please email [email protected] for the complete RFP package.

Proposals must be received electronically to [email protected] by Friday, May 14, 2021 at 4:30PM A.S.T.