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RFQ 003-2024-STT/STX

Environmental Review, Assessments, and Testing Services

The Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority (“VIHFA”) is soliciting qualification packages from qualified and licensed United States Virgin Islands’ (“USVI”) firms (“Respondent”) to provide Environmental Review, Assessments, and Testing Services in connection with its administration of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (“CDBG-DR”) funds. VIHFA is the Territory’s grantee to HUD responsible for administering CDBG-DR funds. VIHFA’s mission is to increase access to housing and community development opportunities by developing innovative programs and projects. The Authority has offices in both St. Thomas and St. Croix and services the entire United States Virgin Islands (U.S. Virgin Islands or “the Territory”).

Interested Respondents may download a complete Request for Qualification package from the VIHFA’s website at or register on the IonWave site to download and respond by clicking here.

The VIHFA reserves the right to waive any irregularities in, or to reject any or all qualification statements.

For additional information about this RFQ, please contact Bilinda Fontaine at (340) 777-4432 ext. 2234.