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October 2, 2024

DPNR Seeks Public Input for CZM Committee Meeting

for the Rebuild of the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital and Temporary Relocation of the Hemodialysis Outpatient Facility

Commissioner Jean-Pierre L. Oriol of the Department of Planning and Natural Resources informs the public that the following St. Croix Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 5:30 pm. This meeting will be held via the video conferencing platform Microsoft Teams.

The agenda is as follows:

  1. Public Hearing (testimony will be heard)
    Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0025-24- Juan F. Luis Hospital Demolition & Reconstruction. The project proposes to construct a new state-of-the-art public health institution that will be comprised of patient and diagnostic care services. The proposed federally funded project is located at 4007 Estate Diamond Ruby, Christiansted, Virgin Islands 00821.
  2. Public Hearing (testimony will be heard)
    Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0026-24- Juan F. Luis Hospital- Temporary Hemodialysis Outpatient Facility. The project proposes the temporary relocation and construction buildout to harden an existing building. The proposed federally funded project is located at 12C and 14A La Grande Princesse (Former Nissan Building), St. Croix 00820

The following information should be used to participate in the meeting:

Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 228 757 825 603

Passcode: PgYseP