September 30, 2020
U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Department of Public Works (DPW) received federal funding through the FHWA-ER Program to install regulatory signage throughout the territory. The total cost for this project is $747,500. The contractor, Custom Builders will install Stop, Yield, Speed Limit, warning and guide signs, as well as route and arrow signage on federal routes. Installation in the St. Thomas/St. John District is currently underway and work on St. Croix is slated to begin before the end of 2020.
As this is an Emergency Repair project, signs that were damaged in the 2017 hurricanes are being replaced. Installation is projected to be completed by April 2021; work is approximately 30% complete.
The department is advising motorists that ongoing roadwork associated with sign installation may cause partial lane closures, as some work will be conducted along the roadsides. However, most work is limited to shoulders and sidewalks. The community is asked to adhere to all posted road signs and warnings for work ahead.
DPW…On the move!