January 21, 2025
St. Thomas Hearing
Commissioner Jean-Pierre L. Oriol of the Department of Planning and Natural Resources informs the public that the following St. Thomas Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 4:30 p.m. It will be held via Zoom, a video conferencing platform.
Decision Meeting for Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0027-24- Swan Annex Correctional Facility. The proposed project consists of demolishing the existing Swan Annex facility and structures on three adjoining lots and building a new correctional facility. The project’s location is Subbase 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 Southside Quarter (Estate Nisky) St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
Public Hearing (testimony will be heard)
Public Hearing for Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0032-23, has been submitted by the Virgin Islands Water & Power Authority (VIWAPA). The project proposes installing underground ducts with manholes, pad-mount transformers, and other underground devices to replace existing overhead distribution within Charlotte Amalie on Feeder 9A. The underground ducts will replace overhead distribution lines along Airport Road (Route 302), throughout Crown Bay (Route 304) with branches to the Container Port and Tropical Shipping and along Harwood Highway/Kronprindsens Gade (Route 308) to the Market and Guttets Gade. The project will be done in 3 phases, and a portion of the project includes installation into existing conduits (Phase 1). It also includes the installation of new duct banks, transformers, sectionalizing cabinets, electric handholes, communications handholes, and electrical manholes.
The following information should be used to participate in the Wednesday, January 22, 2025 meeting:
Meeting ID: 854 3783 1820
Passcode: 772009
St. Croix Hearing
Commissioner Jean-Pierre L. Oriol of the Department of Planning and Natural Resources informs the public that the following St. Croix Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, at 5:30 pm. This meeting will be held via the video conferencing platform ZOOM.
The agenda is as follows:
Decision Meeting (testimony will not be heard)
Decision Meeting for Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0026-24- Juan F. Luis Hospital- Temporary Hemodialysis Outpatient Facility. The project proposes for the temporary relocation and construction buildout to harden an existing building. The proposed federally funded project is located at 12C and 14A La Grande Princesse (Former Nissan Building), St. Croix 00820.
Decision Meeting for Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0025-24- Juan F. Luis Hospital Demolition & Reconstruction. The project proposes to construct a new state-of-the-art public health institution, that will be comprised of patient and diagnostic care services. The proposed federally funded project is located at 4007 Estate Diamond Ruby, Christiansted, Virgin Islands 00821.
All files are available for review on DPNR’s website under the Federal Consistency and Permitting sections.
The following information should be used to participate in the Tuesday, January 28, 2025 meeting:
Meeting ID: 881 6848 0651
Passcode: 709453
Jean-Pierre L. Oriol
Copy: Jamal Nielsen, Media Relations Coordinator