The Territorial Hospital Redevelopment Team (THRT) on behalf of the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital & Medical Center is seeking a licensed general contractor to furnish all labor, tools and equipment needed to complete the services described in the scope of work attached that is necessary for the opening of the JFL North facility located at 4007 Estate Diamond Ruby Christiansted, St. Croix. A site visit will be held on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.
If you are unable to provide the services requested in the scope of work attached, kindly respond via email accordingly. The following information is needed in your proposal package due by the close of business on January 27, 2023:
1. Indicate how soon you can mobilize upon award notification
2. Provide copies of the company’s current:
a. Virgin Islands Business License
b. Trade Name Certificate (if applicable)
c. Certificate of Liability Insurance
d. Certificate of Good Standing
e. status
f. Articles of Incorporation/Operating Agreement
3. Fill out the bid fee sheet attached. NOTE: The price proposed by the potential bidder shall be the total consideration, inclusive of taxes. The potential bidder, if awarded the Contract, will be subject to gross receipt taxes. Compliance with Payment and Performance Bonds are required for contract execution in excess of $250,000.00.
Please submit proposals via email to [email protected] by the close of business on January 27, 2023.
Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Anika Johnson via email at [email protected] or Ms. Dynell R. Williams, the Territorial Procurement Manager, via email at [email protected].