July 27, 2022
VITEMA and Virgin Islands National Guard make their debut on the July episode of Recovery in Focus. MG Knox-Limbacker and Director Daryl Jaschen join ODR Director and host Adrienne L. Williams-Octalien and Co-Host Dayna Clendinen, Interim Executive Director of the Virgin Islands Housing Finance Authority (VIHFA), for details on the territory’s efforts to prepare for this year’s hurricane season as well as other potential disasters.
“In the News” features highlights on the status of AARPA funding, updates on critical housing and school projects, and the recent groundbreaking ceremony for the Walter I.M. Hodge Pavilion in Frederiksted. The new episode airs at 8:00 pm on Thursday the 28th on WTJX-TV Channel 12. You can also watch online at Facebook.com/wtjx or wtjx.org/livestream.