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December 30, 2019


ST. THOMAS – The Department of Public Works continues to work with Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division to install new traffic signals, poles and mast arms on the island of St. Thomas. The second order of poles arrived on the island this week and the contractor, Island Roads Corporation, is expected to complete the remaining intersections by January 17, 2020.

Due to pending matters with surrounding private properties, the intersections at Benner Hill (approaching the National Guard) and Zora’s (Norre Gade) will not be replaced by the new date. However, they are fully operational. All traffic signals on St. Croix damaged by Hurricanes Irma and Maria have been replaced with new traffic signals and/or mast arms. The final phase of this project will include illuminated street name signage.

Motorists and pedestrians are urged to drive with caution, as certain intersections will be without traffic signals during this project phase. These federally funded repairs are aligned with the department’s mission to rebuild a resilient roadway infrastructure.

The Department of Public Works appreciates the community’s patience as they work to improve road conditions throughout the territory. Follow DPW on Facebook @usvidpw and @vitranusvi. You can also log on to and to stay abreast of all things V.I. Public Works.

DPW…On the move!