January 29, 2024
Pursuant to the Virgin Islands Rules and Regulations, Title 12, Chapter 21, Section 904-9, the meeting of the St. Croix Committee of the Virgin Islands Coastal Zone Management Commission has been rescheduled for today, January 31, 2024, at 5:30 pm.
The Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources will host this meeting via the video conferencing platform Microsoft Teams. Items on the agenda include an application for Federal Consistency Determination, CZM0028-23, which has been submitted by the Virgin Islands Department of Education proposing the federally funded demolition and new construction of the St. Croix Central High School.
The following information should be used to participate in the meeting:
Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 246 549 973 843
Passcode: RR2Jbs
Join with a video conferencing device:
[email protected]
Video Conference ID: 116 661 504 2