August 8, 2024
U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – August 8, 2024 – The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (“WAPA” or the “Authority”) is pleased to announce the commencement of reliability testing on the four new Phase 2 dual-fueled Wärtsilä engines at the Randolph Harley Power Plant. These engines are designed to use both light fuel oil (“LFO”) diesel and liquid propane gas (“LPG”). The new Wärtsilä engines will undergo a 48-hour reliability test expected to begin tomorrow, Friday, at approximately 4:00 p.m.
This test is a major step forward in making our power more reliable and stable in the St. Thomas/St. John district. Once these units complete their commissioning, WAPA anticipates reducing the frequency of outages and improving overall electrical service to our customers.
To keep power on during testing, the Authority will have additional generation units on standby, with minimal impact expected on the community. Upon the completion of the reliability test, expected by Monday, the Authority will proceed with additional tests on light fuel oil to ensure the engines are fully functional on diesel. These tests include the Net Capacity Test on Monday afternoon, the Load Acceptance Test, and others. Following successful completion, the Authority will begin commissioning the engines on propane. As dual-fueled engines, their standard operation will consist of 95 percent LPG and 5 percent LFO.
This testing phase is crucial as we evaluate the engines’ performance at full capacity, ensuring they operate optimally under various conditions. We want to assure our customers that we do not anticipate any service interruptions from this testing. However, there is a possibility that unforeseen issues may cause an unexpected outage. Your support is appreciated as our team strives to complete testing with minimal power interruptions.